Sai-chan Super Smash Wiki

This is the second game of Sai-chan Super Smash in the franchise, in the studio of Mega Q.U.A.I.L, and it uses some characters from The Q.U.A.I.L console game, such as Robo-bruiser, Boxer Homer, and of course, Sai-chan Sam and Dragon Jack. Unlike the previous game, which used 14 characters, (see Sai-chan Super Smash featuring Sai-chan Sam and Dragon Jack(Scratch) for details), this game has 6 leagues, as well as featuring a new function, involving Punch-Out character Little Mac. This has two modes:Arcade Mode, and Console mode. There were also two sub-modes for those modes: Classic Mode, and Tag-team mode. Classic mode used a total of 30 fighters, each having a passcode that could be used on console mode to refight an opponent when you booted up the game, though it was cheater-proofed by locking the passcode function during the fight sequence. Hammer was, uniquely the only character without a passcode, due to him being the first opponent in the game. The game's 6 leagues are: Rookie league, Mega league, Giga league, Hyper League, Champions league, and Grand Champions league. Each league had 5 opponents. (Example: see List of Sai-chan Super Smash 2 leagues) In this game, The player starts on easy difficulty, a sort of practice mode for the game. The Arcade mode looped every time the player completed the game. Also, as the typical catch for Tuboex's arcade games, every three loops would give the fighters a boost. All the opponents are harder than the previous game. If you want to know who the opponents are, the full list is in the Tag-team Partners page. Little Mac's rank is "Champion of the W.V.B.A", and he is very difficult to fight. His signature move is the [1]Star Punch, a super launch punch. When the player is in Tag-team mode, they use Walter "Wally" Wimpson as player 1, and player 2 is called King Canada, who is from Montreal. In this game, a secret opponent in this case is Tuboex, who can trigger random coding items. It is recommended that the player fight hard. Also, Walt has a move that was planned to appear in the first game, the Giga Punch. This move involves a super-powered variation of one of the other moves, after landing 10 straight blows, no blocking. Some fighters use a power meter like that, and can block the giga punch to fully power their own signature move. If the player uses the giga punch, their hand or foot glows golden, like in the original game. Also, the player can end the match in between rounds, if heavily being beaten. However, this causes the victory to go to the fighter who either has more points, is using less illegal moves, or is not breaking safety laws. If you attempt to force the opponent to break major rules, the referee will make the victory to the opponent. This type of win is called by decision.
